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Managing & Leading a Multigenerational Workforce

Programs: 24/7 Centers, Child Development Center, Family Child Care, School Age Care, Youth Program
Resource Type: Training
Published: 01/21

On May 22, 2019, Brent Edwards and Jenny Jordan provided a virtual training on Managing & Leading a Multigenerational Workforce. We work with parents, staff, community members, and stakeholders that come from all ages and stages in life. Understanding how our five generations communicate, approach tasks, work together, and resolve conflicts strengthens our abilities as coworkers, managers, and programmers. During our virtual training, trainees will explore generational influences and trends to help us understand each group better. Trainees will strategize approaches to help CYPs create a path for success as CYPs work with our multigenerational groups. The virtual training featured presentations, audience interaction, and a live Q&A. After reviewing the virtual training, each participant is asked to complete a reflection guide to facilitate deeper thinking and action planning. After completing the reflection guide, CYP professionals should connect with their T&C Specialist to update their individual development plan (IDP) via CYMS.