How to Request and Manage Care
With an MCC account, you can explore child care and fee assistance options worldwide and place unlimited requests for care. Just follow these four simple steps. It’s that easy!
Create an Account
Select “Create an Account” at the top of this page. Once you create an account, you will set up a Household Profile that stores key information about your family and allows you to conduct a customized search for military child care and fee assistance programs.
Search for and Request Child Care and Fee Assistance
Your MCC account gives you access to the full range of military child care programs. Request care as soon as you know your duty station and tentative arrival date to get on the waitlist. You can search multiple locations and submit requests for all the military child care options in your search area that meet your care needs.
Manage Your Requests
Log in to to update or cancel your requests for care. Notifications about your requests, including offers for care when space is available, will be delivered to your preferred email address and posted to “Time Sensitive Actions” in your dashboard.
Update Your Household Profile
If your household information changes, log in to to update your profile. Keep your sponsor and spouse information current to help programs quickly confirm if you are eligible for care. Also, keep your email address up-to-date so you do not miss any important messages.
Transferring to a New Duty Station? Pilot Program Reimburses Families for Commercial Travel Costs of a Designated Person to Provide Child Care
Starting October 1, 2024, if child care isn’t available within 30 days of your Date Care Needed (DCN) at your new Permanent Duty Station (PDS), you may be eligible for reimbursement of commercial travel costs for a designated person who will care for your children. Reimbursement is provided through a congressionally authorized pilot program through 30 September 2027.
Read about how the program works, eligibility, and how to apply.
Improve Your Chances of Receiving Care
Choosing child care is an important decision that can take time. To improve your chances of receiving care, you can:
- Place requests as soon as you know your next assignment, even before you receive orders.
- Review the Anticipated Placement Time (APT) estimates and submit requests for programs with an APT that most closely matches your need.
- Request multiple programs, including Family Child Care (FCC) providers.
- Select “Any Provider” associated with the FCC Program rather than requesting individual providers. Requesting “Any Provider” adds you to the waitlist for all FCC providers in your search area.
To learn more about how your place on the waitlist is determined, how APT is estimated, and what you can do to get the care you need, watch this informative video.

Child Care and School Programs
Military families like yours can access a range of child care and school programs. Click on a program name to learn more about the program and how it is designed to support military families.
Military-Operated Child Care Programs
Facility-based programs and family child care providers
Military-Operated Child Care Programs
Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood (MCCYN)
Fee assistance for families using community-based care
Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood (MCCYN)
Child Care in Your Home (CCYH)
Fee assistance for full-time child care in your home
Child Care in Your Home (CCYH)
Navy Weekend Drill Child Care Pilot
Fee assistance for child care on drill weekends
Navy Weekend Drill Child Care Pilot
Family Resources
Searching for child care can be exciting and fun with the right tools. Here you can find resources to assist with finding quality child care and supporting your child to grow and thrive. If you don’t see the information you are looking for, go to Military OneSource for additional resources.
Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account
Pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible dependent care expenses
Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account
Special Education and Child Care
Resources for families with children with special needs
Special Education and Child Care
Get your Child the Right Start with Sure Start
For families living overseas with preschool-age children
Get your Child the Right Start with Sure Start
How to Find Affordable, Quality and Licensed Child Care
Resources to help you find affordable, quality care
How to Find Affordable, Quality and Licensed Child Care
New MilParent Specialty Consultation
Support for new parents and parents of children up to age 5
New MilParent Specialty Consultation
Supporting Your Child’s Education at Home and School
Strategies to encourage your child’s love of learning
Supporting Your Child’s Education at Home and School